Our unique and precious selection of oils obtained from local olive varieties, from native cultivars in danger of extinction; oils with which we receive numerous internationally renowned awards for their extremely high quality and which you will only find at RaraNatura


In the heart of an ancient village, nestled among the high hills of the province of Potenza, our fascinating adventure began. The love for nature guided us along a path of recovery and rebirth of the olive groves of local cultivars, even native ones, or strictly limited to a very limited area, reawakening their now forgotten beauty. With care and dedication, we planted new olive trees obtained from the shoots of old mother plants, preserving the ancient and rare native varieties and giving them a new opportunity to shine. A great passion saw our dedication towards this plant grow, while our love for the green gold became more and more intense.

The incessant search for high quality and refined aromas has become the much desired result. Through specialized courses, we have become expert professional tasters and have obtained registration, paving the way towards excellence. An arduous journey, made up of challenges, agricultural renewal and innovation, olive oil competitions, prizes and the continuous desire to improve to delight our palates and those of those who have always believed in us and in quality oil.

Our tiring agricultural work to restore the splendor of these olive groves began in 2012. In 2015, finally, the fruits of our efforts began to show themselves, and in 2016 the first national recognition arrived. Since then our fame has also extended to a Mediterranean and international level, in a succession of successes year after year.

The first fruit of our dedication was Acherolio, which takes its name from the village itself where it all began and above all from our prized cultivar which takes its name from the village itself... the Acerenza variety, rooted in our olive growing heritage. The small productions of oil, obtained from this ancient local variety, included among the cultivars in danger of extinction by the Ministry of Agricultural Policies, are an unobtainable treasure both among nurseries and oil producers. This oil boasts unique and multiple sensorial qualities, especially if the olives are harvested and processed at the right times and with the right extraction methods, and at the ideal moment of maturation to give its characteristic fruitiness and maximum inebriating scents. Other varieties in danger of extinction present and very important for valorisation are Racioppa and Cannellina, Lucane and rare cultivars with smaller olives and with multiple sensorial qualities, also unobtainable at nursery level and very rare at oil production level and registered by the Ministry of agricultural policies among cultivars in danger of extinction. We cannot forget other important varieties such as coratina, ogliarola, Cima di Melfi, Ogliarola del Vulture, Rotondella, Fasola and others.

Then… Acherolio begins to spread, it also overlooks the neighboring region, Calabria, always in an ancient hilltop village, where a monovarietal carolea oil is extracted, typical of the Calabrian territory, with olives grown on the slopes above an ancient course of water, the acheron", and here too, in perfect symbiosis, the name Acherolio is linked to the territory itself as in Basilicata.

The logo, which initially distinguished Acherolio, then also became corporate, deriving from an over one hundred year old olive tree present in our olive groves, stylized as a contemporary mosaic by the founder himself and, given the passion for art, and especially for mosaic, there is it seemed more than appropriate to give the company logo our own artistic image. Producers in the olive oil art.

In 2018 his younger brother, Asso di Ulivo, was born, just born and immediately rewarded!
Thanks to our perseverance in the search for quality and the sensorial experience acquired, we created a blend that expressed, and still expresses today, not only the value of a specific territory, not only the Lucanian one, but also our own experience as composers search for the “perfect blend”.
From there was born the desire to go beyond the borders of our territory of origin, opening up to neighboring regions such as Calabria and Puglia.

Thus, in the near future, you will be able to find "l'ace" declined in different regional variations, both in blend and in single variety, each with its own peculiarities and, guaranteed, always of high quality.
We chose the name Ace of Olives, taken from the famous playing card, because the Ace of Wands is ambitious and successful, leaves its mark on the game and often leads to victory. Symbolically, it represents olive wood, a precious part of the trunk. It was during a game of cards, with the ace in hand, that the idea arose... and a light smile slowly crossed his face. It was done, that would be our new trump card, an ace up our sleeve... Ace of Olive Tree!